If you have heard about the fine reputation of BBC engineering and want
to find out what was actually achieved - |
- try the Eng Inf Newsletters which
are packed with fairly short articles covering a wide and representative
range of activities. |
If you are looking for pictures or text about a specific person or
facility etc. - |
- try using Google search on the Home page.
(It seems to take Google's web crawlers a few weeks to find new items on
the site, so you might not find all items this way initially.) |
If you have acquired an old item of BBC equipment and want to find out
more about it - |
- try Technical Instructions. Also try EDI Sheets
and Registered Designs in the
Designs section. |
If you have noticed some of the BBC transmitter masts in the UK or
abroad and want to know about the working lives of the people who built
and operated them - |
- try
Transmitter Projects and
Operations, or download the book On Air. |
If you want to learn the basics of broadcast engineering or about
detailed technical issues - |
- try Technical
Reviews and Reference. |
If you are researching BBC history - |
- try War Reminiscences and
"Reminiscences" associated with each activity (e.g.
Comms Ops). |
If you are trying to get in touch with others - |
- try Information Exchange &
Contact. |
In 2024 BBCeng had about 80 html web pages with links to about 8000 pdf