Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:

Web Site Guide


Article about BBCeng

Places to start

If you have heard about the fine reputation of BBC engineering and want to find out what was actually achieved - - try the Eng Inf Newsletters which are packed with fairly short articles covering a wide and representative range of activities.
If you are looking for pictures or text about a specific person or facility etc. - - try using Google search on the Home page.  (It seems to take Google's web crawlers a few weeks to find new items on the site, so you might not find all items this way initially.)
If you have acquired an old item of BBC equipment and want to find out more about it - - try Technical Instructions. Also try EDI Sheets and Registered Designs in the Designs section.
If you have noticed some of the BBC transmitter masts in the UK or abroad and want to know about the working lives of the people who built and operated them - - try Transmitter Projects and Transmitter Operations, or download the book On Air.
If you want to learn the basics of broadcast engineering or about detailed technical issues -  - try Technical Reviews and Reference.
If you are researching BBC history -  - try War Reminiscences and "Reminiscences" associated with each activity (e.g. Comms Ops).
If you are trying to get in touch with others -  - try Information Exchange & Contact.



Hopefully it is clear from the Home page that the site is structured to reflect BBC engineering activities.  To some extent the names of the activities are the same as the names of BBC Departments, but names and functions changed over the years and so there is not necessarily a direct correspondence.  Some topics do not fit within an activity, hence the additional menu bar.

In 2024 BBCeng had about 80 html web pages with links to about 8000 pdf files.