Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:

Communications Operations

Home Up Reminiscences Comms Data Sheets


Right from the start, the BBC relied on an external organisation to provide communication circuits between different parts of the broadcasting system (.e.g. outside broadcast location - studio, studio - studio and studio - transmitter).  Broadcast quality sound and vision circuits were needed as well as telephone and data circuits.

These circuits terminated in BBC premises and it was the responsibility of communications engineers to ensure that they were routed correctly to meet programme requirements.  For example, here is a picture of the 3/8" leads from B577 in TVC taken by Nigel Philips just before they were decommissioned.
(Click thumbnail to enlarge).

Comms Data Sheets

Mike Jordan's ExBHComms pages
Pictures and memories of BBC Communications Department in Broadcasting House, London.

Communications Department included both projects and operations groups.  BBCeng has a separate section for Communications Projects.