Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:

BBC Engineering Division - Direction

Home Up

Engineering Division's leaders, listed below, were members of the BBC's Board of Management. 
Captain Peter Eckersley 1923 - 1929 Chief Engineer
Sir Noel Ashbridge       1929 - 1952  Chief Engineer, renamed Controller (Engineering) by 1938, then renamed Director of Technical Services
Sir Harold Bishop  1952 - 1963  Director of Technical Services renamed Director of Engineering in 1956
Sir Francis McLean   1963 - 1968  Director of Engineering
Sir James Redmond  
1968 - 1978  Director of Engineering
Dr Bryce McCrirrick CBE 1978 - 1987 Director of Engineering
Dr Bill Dennay 1987 - 1993 Director of Engineering

The nucleus of BBC Engineering was formed to a large extent by engineers who created the pioneering broadcast station 2MT. [An excellent resource for more information is was provided by the Radio Emma Toc website, but unfortunately it no longer seems to exist.  The engineers can could be seen in the first picture on this page.]  Among those shown, Maclarty went on to become, in the BBC, the first head of the equivalent of Planning and Installation Department, Kirke became Head (or Assistant Head?) of Research Department, Wynn became a Deputy Director of Engineering, Ashbridge became a Director of Engineering and uniquely, for a period during the war, was Deputy Director General, and Eckersley was of course the BBC's first Chief Engineer. So, quite a hot-house of talent!

Senior engineering posts can be seen in this list of Abbreviated Titles which covered the whole of the BBC in 1962.

Click here to see a brochure for the 1972 Engineers-in-Charge Annual Meeting, which marked 50 years of BBC engineering (10MB PDF file).  The people who attended are pictured in the brochure, but you can also click the picture below to see a larger version.


Managing BBC Engineering - A paper presented to the I.E.E. in 1981.


Organisational charts 1965, 1990 and 1991. New: Jan 2025.