Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:

BBC Engineering Division - Recruitment

Home Up

The recruitment booklets listed below provide a good introduction to the breadth of activities.  The 1991 booklet is probably the best.

Engineers in the BBC, 1976

Engineers in the BBC, 1977

Engineering and Technical Operations in the BBC, 1978

Engineers in the BBC 1978

The Show Must Go On - Opportunities for Engineers 1984

BBC Engineering, c1986

BBC Technical Careers in Broadcasting, 1986

BBC Sponsorship, 1986

BBC Trainee Engineers, 1986, and last two pages

BBC Engineering, 1989

BBC Engineering 1991

...and here is a recruitment leaflet from Appointments Department, which was not part of Engineering Division, but it includes references to engineering careers.  It seems to have been written before the era of equal opportunities! 1965 perhaps? "Opportunities for Young Men and Boys in the BBC in London".