In 1964, the
“Natlock” system of video signal synchronisation was developed by a team led by
JLB. This system enabled video signals from sources remote from a production
centre to be synchronised with those from sources local to that centre. The
synchronising pulse generator at the remote source was controlled by means of
coded error signals sent from the mixing point. The error signals were derived
by comparing the timing of the video signals from the remote and local sources,
and the timing at the remote source was adjusted by digital methods in discrete
steps too small for their effects on the displayed picture to be observable.
This use of digital methods rendered the behaviour of the system independent of
normal variation of component values and, within wide limits, of the
characteristics of the error signal circuits, which could be of telephone
grade. The system operated over long distances and an unlimited number of
remote sources could be used.
Department designed a range of Colour Natlock equipment in which the error
signals control the sub-carrier phase as well as the timing of the remotely
originating signal. Its first large-scale use was at the investiture of the
Prince of Wales at Caernarvon in July 1969.
Standards Conversion
After four
year’s work, an electronic standards converter was brought to a successful
practical realisation and demonstrated to members of the EBU Colour Group in
1963. This converter was intended to provide a feed of BBC 1 video signals to
405 line standards when the BBC 2 service was introduced and most programmes
were originated to 625 line standard.
In 1967 a
field store standards converter, designed to convert the 60 fields/second
American video signal to the 50 fields/second signal of European television was
introduced. The equipment was colour capable, and its availability made
possible the provision of coloured pictures from the 1968 Olympic Games. For
the production of this device, the Queen’s Award to Industry for 1967 was
granted jointly to Designs Department and Research Department.
In 1972, the
growing use of digital techniques led to the development, by CD, of a new
standards converter which operated on signals in digital form. Such signals,
being considerably more robust than analogue signals, could be handled by
electronic equipment of conventional layout and construction (as opposed to the
special arrangements necessary in earlier standards converters) and processed
with increased reliability and greater consistency of performance. The method
lent itself well to the generation of additional lines in the video signal by
the combination in varying proportions of information from the existing lines
between which the interpolation is made, this process being inherent feature of
standards conversion.
Electronic Character Generator
Among the
more interesting achievements of 1970 was the development of Electronic
Character generator equipment, popularly known as “ANCHOR”. This enabled
captions consisting of upper case letters, figures and punctuation marks to be
super-imposed on a television picture. The captions were composed at a keyboard
or reproduced from punched tape or the store of a computer. The special feature
of the equipment was that the characters produced were of conventional
appearance and not of the distorted shape commonly associated with electronic
devices. In 1972, the capability of the equipment was extended to the
production of lower case letters.