Sound Equipment for LBH
In 1961 an
extension to London’s
Broadcasting House was opened and its construction involved, for Designs
Department, the production of sound control desks, despatch positions, a radio
newsreel studio, a mixer suite and continuity suites. This was the last major
installation of sound equipment to be based on valve amplifiers.
In 1962,
newly designed transistorised sound equipment, designated the “type C”, was
installed in the drama studios in the basement of the new extension to
Broadcasting House. Other transistorised items produced during the year
included a new radio microphone, considerably more compact than the valve model
which it superseded, and an associated FM receiver of improved sensitivity and
In 1970, a
continuity system was completed, using Type D modules, for use in the
Broadcasting House sound continuity suites. The equipment included control
desks for the continuity announcer or programme presenter, and for the technical
operations and programme staff. Facilities included the selection, combination
and control of four monophonic or stereophonic remote sources and locally
originated announcements, disks and tapes.
Sound Equipment for Bush House
In 1964
Designs Department developed a sound control desk which was installed at bush
House for use by External Broadcasting Services. This single desk replaced four
continuity positions at each of which a separate operator had formerly assembled
the programme for one of the external broadcasting networks.
Sound Equipment for TVC
In 1967 the
first operational sound control desk to use a new system of modular units, type
D, went into service in Studio 8 at Television Centre. These units were
developed as part of an effort to standardise the equipment of desks for both
radio and television. All the modules were twin units, carrying the equipment
required to control two channels, groups or other circuits. They were of narrow
configuration, so that a maximum number were within reach of an operator, and
the use of inter-changeable sub-panels gave a degree of flexibility in the
nature of the facilities provided.