Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:




People who were associated with BBC Engineering gather for various reunions, including:-

D&ED Reunion Lunch

Click here for information.  Typical attendance 40.

BBC Transmission: Leamington

An annual lunchtime gathering at a pub in Leamington, usually in October.  Typical attendance: 50.

BBC Transmission: Kenilworth

A monthly lunch at a pub. Mainly attended by people who worked for BBC Transmission in the Midlands.
Typical attendance 10.


If you would like further information or if you would like another reunion to be listed on this page, please contact me.


London Lunch

Formal lunch in central London, mainly for people who were associated with engineering at BH, TVC and Bush House in London. Discontinued


Kingswood Warren Retired-Staff Luncheon

Mainly for staff from Research Department.  Discontinued


Feedback Club

This was a reunion of senior staff in Engineering Division.  It first took place in 1960 and was attended by a number of BBC engineering pioneers including P.P. Eckersley. Here are some papers from their 1960 and 1961 meetings.  New: Jan 2025       Discontinued