Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
The British Broadcasting Corporation
web site is:

BBC Engineering Division - Staff

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A significant proportion of the BBC's staff worked for Engineering Division:
Date      Number of staff in Engineering Division
1945      3700
1955      4800
1968      7000
1969      4200 

The reduction was due to the transfer of some engineering staff to the Television, Radio and External Broadcasting Directorates.  (This web site is predominantly about Engineering Division, but the scope is intended to include all engineering activities relating to the BBC.)

The BBC Staff List for 1938 appears to list all staff (about 3900) and it provides a good indication of the place held by Engineering within the organisation at the time.  About a third of the BBC's staff were in Engineering Division and "CONTROLLER (ENGINEERING)" is listed third, under the D.G and D.D.G.
Pages from the 1938 Staff List can be seen by clicking the links below (I'm sorry about the poor quality, but the text is legible).  Information on the non-engineering parts of the BBC is outside the scope of bbceng, but it is included here in order to put the engineering information into context.


Pages 1 to 4 Senior staff and Secretariats

Pages 5 to 22 Programme Division

Pages 23 to 52 Administration Division

Pages 53 to 59 Public Relations Division

Pages 61 to 106 Engineering Division (17MB).  Alternative 1MB, but it has OCR errors.

Pages 107 to 133 Regional Offices

Pages 135 to 137 Postal Addresses. Not copied.

Pages 140 to 224 Alphabetical Index (Listing about 3900 staff who also appear in the above pages.) Not copied.