Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
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 The contents of the vault is listed below.

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The headings below are similar to those found on the home page of 


R&D Engineering Review Jan 1993 - Mar 1994

R&D Review Apr 1994 - Mar 1995

Picture of R&D staff in 2010, shortly before Kingswood Warren closed.


Designs Department Technical Memoranda and Handbooks



Site, Buildings and Structures




Information and Training

Engineering training documents

Operations - Transmitters

Transmitters/Problems with the tubular mast at Winter Hill

Regulations for Work on High Voltage Equipment

ETD Course - HV Switchgear

Senior Engineers 'Teach In' - HV Switchgear

Operations - Television

Films in .wmv format from the BBC Archive about early television, published under the Creative Archive Licence. As such they must only be used in the UK.

crystalpalace, televisionanniversary, obvan, detectorfleet, democlip, boatrace, newstudios, outsidebcast, insideinfo, television, bhconstruct,

gill, pirates, factsandfigures, allypally, tvcrosschannel, dubbing, tvinthewest, birthoftv, tvishere, birthoftvzoom, birthoftvcor, telstar.

Operations - Communications

TV OBs Comms Data Book (nosig).pdf



An Introduction To Colour Television - G. G. Gouriet

Book Of Practical Television - Ed. G .V. Dowding

Better Radio reception - Eddystone booklet

Television Engineering Principles and Practice, volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4

BBC Engineering 1922-1972 - E. L. E. Pawley

Technical Reviews


Sterophonic Broadcasting And Reception - J. G. Spencer & G. J. Phillips REE Jun 1964

The Birth Of British Television (TV Research At EMI 1933-39) - RTS booklet

The Smith Chart (BBC Eng Division reprint from WW 1960)

The Vertical Radiation Pattern Of Medium-Wave Broadcasting Antennas - H. Page & G. D. Monteath IEE 1954

Stereophonic Broadcasting And Reception - J.G. Spencer & G.J. Phillips (R&EE Jun1964)

Technical Instructions


Engineering Division



BBC Engineering Society - Home Computing Newsletter 1

Notes On The BBC External Services For BBC Staff May (1976)

Radio Times - 75 Years Of Television 1936-2011


Safety in Electrical and Electronic Maintenance and Development (1983)

Earthing and Protection in Technical Vehicles (1980)

Connectors For Use On Mains Voltages Not Exceeding 250V (nominal) (1982)

Guidance Paper 4 - The Safety Evaluation Of Locally Purchased Equipment (Vetters' Guide) (1978)

Guidance Paper 9 - Safety And Management (1981)


Satellites/Euroradio specification

Satellites/Intelsat Information

Tracking Systems and Earth Station Commissioning

Operational Parameters For EBU Leased Transponders In Eutelsat II

Vade Mecum - Digitisation of the Eurovision Network






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