Moorside Edge |
Return to Specific Tx Sites page Contribution from David PorterMoorside Edge near Huddersfield, Yorkshire was the second of the BBC Regional Scheme twin-channel Medium Wave transmitting stations. In 1931, mains power from the public supply was not available to the site and so provision had to be made to generate the power required on site. Four Rushton and Hornsby diesel engines were installed together with four associated 220 VDC generators and DC Switchgear. The transmitters needed about 300 kW input power each to produce the 50 kW output. Other required supplies on the station meant that three out of the four sets were needed when the station was on the air. All the transmitter supplies needed by the transmitter came from 220 VDC motor / generator sets. The engines were started by compressed air so large reservoir tanks were provided. A 220 VDC battery with over 120 open cells was provided to maintain lighting and general services in the event of the engines being off stream for a limited time. The preserved engine at the Internal Fire Museum of Power is complete with the 220 VDC generator and its own exciter running from the same shaft. The compressed air reservoir is also on site. Also at the Museum is the Moorside Edge Transmitting Station sign as was displayed at the main gate. During the Northern Irish "troubles" in the late 1960s all BBC TX sites were instructed to remove these signs and place them into storage. The Museum of Power is at Castell Pridd, Tanygroes, Ceredigion, SA43 2JS