Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
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B Eng Transmitter Courses

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B Course, Transmitters No.1 1972 (Contributed by David Porter)

Back row: Peddar B, Porter D, Smith G, Winrow J,
Middle row: Drinkwater G, Drinkwater R, Drouet CJ, ?, Hazelwood S, Peake H,
Front row: Chamberlain P, Claxton N, Cogger D, Concannon, Craggs SN, Dekker M.

B Course, Transmitters 1981 (Contributed by Chris Turton)


B Eng Transmitters 1982 (Contributed by Craig Brownlie)


B Eng Transmitters 1988 (Contributed by Paul Roberts)



B Eng Tx No.13  1988/9   (names contributed by John Pumford-Green)

Back Row: Simon Eley [TED], Ian Vidler[TED] , David Grajewski [TED], ?[TED], (Richard Penman [Wood Norton].

Front row: ?, ? , Andrew Barker [TOD], Neil O'Brien (or O'Brian) [TOD], Chris Dolman [TOD], John Green (now Pumford-Green) [TOD], Mark Thomas [TED].

(TED = Transmission Engineering Department; TOD = Transmission Operations Department)

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