Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
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A course 72 television January to March 1980. (Contributed by Chris Turton. Caption amended by Duncan Borrowman)

Back row: Andrew 'Ginger' Peakin (OBs), Tony Quinn (TK2), Nick Roast (Sound), Mark Witherspoon (News)
Middle row: Roger Jepson (Cameras), Sara Jones (Cameras), Mick Kinsella (VT1), Gordon MacLeod (News), ?? (Failed A Course), Tony Pearce (OB Comms)
Front row: Duncan Borrowman (News), Graham Canton (Cardiff), Brian Clifford (Sound), Audrey Gardner (Cameras, Scotland), Steve Grayston (OBs), Dan Herlihy (VT1)

A Eng TV, Jan 1989 (Contributed by Phil Crawley)

Back row: Sam Garlic, Colin ? (lecturers), Jane Eason, Belinda McDonald (nee Furguson), Ros Fryer, ?, John Henry, Mike Dhonau (lecturer), ? (lecturer).
Front row: John Brady, Sarah Cakebread, Mark Chambers, Phil Crawley, ?, Mark Duckworth



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