Technical Memoranda (DDTM) were written and issued by Designs Department to fulfil
one of the following major needs:
- To describe the functioning and maintenance of a
piece of equipment designed in the department, and thus act as a provisional
handbook for the equipment.
- To give a factual report on commercial components or
apparatus which may be of interest to the BBC generally, or describe
modifications to commercial equipment.
- To describe the performance of communication
- To describe-system tests carried out with independent observers.
Usually the best way to find the number of a DDTM on a specific topic is to do a search in
this list of DDTMs.
Very few DDTMs presently appear on BBCeng, but some are
available on request. Here are a
couple, but they are not very representative:
2-439(78) Improvements to Pye UHF77 Drive
6-134(76) OB Comms,
Notes on DDTM 6.134(76) OB Comms