Recollections of BBC engineering from 1922 to 1997
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Book:  On Air - A History of BBC Transmission

Click here to download the book On Air in PDF form (1.5MB, 231 pages).

It is best to save the file and open it in Acrobat Reader, iBooks (iOS) or equivalent.  A bookmark panel can be used to navigate through the book and the text can be searched. 

Acknowledgement: I would like to thank Mike Hall, Alex Gray and Dave Williams who identified problems with the previous PDF version on this web site and kindly offered to produce a better version.  They collaborated in 2015 and Dave produced the final version which can be accessed from the link above.

The picture below shows the printed versions of the book. 500 softback and 100 hardback copies were printed in 2003.  Then, in 2006, a further 300 softback copies were printed.  The book was financed privately by the editors and all profit was given to charity. Copies are no longer available from this web site.  If you have a copy that you wish to sell, I suggest that you put it on eBay and use the title "On Air - A History of BBC Transmission" so that anyone who wants the book can set up a "Saved Search" and receive an email notification from eBay.